Boosting user experience through identity-centric & policy-based access control

Amsterdam Digital Identity Meetup Group
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Boosting user experience through identity-centric & policy-based access control

This meetup will cover how a modern identity-centric and policy-based access control architecture boosts customer experience
Customer experience and personalization are at the order of the day for anyone delivering digital services to customers, business partners or employees. Single Sign-on (SSO) is a proven mechanism that removes friction from a customer’s digital journey. By adding the notion of personas to SSO, organizations can now make SSO even more user-friendly and secure.
Using policy-based access control based on personas will allow users to log in with one single profile but take on different personas to exercise different capacities or specific mandates. Not having to sign in over and over again will enhance user experience and relieves administrators of the role explosion nightmare. Join this session to discover how you can integrate persona-augmented Single Sign-on in your customer-facing applications.

Hosted by
  • Martin Sandren
    Martin Sandren is a CISSP certified security professional with twenty of experience of various information security related roles.

Presentation by
  • Carlo Schupp
    CTO at TrustBuilder 

60 minutes

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